Washington, July 29 (ANI): A new study has suggested that antioxidants could play a key role in addressing infertility issues in both women and men, including erectile dysfunction.

new analysis noted that previous studies on the potential for antioxidants to help address this serious and growing problem have been inconclusive, but that other data indicates nutritional therapies may have significant potential.

Tory Hagen, in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, and Francesco Visioli, lead author of the study at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in

"If oxidative stress is an underlying factor causing infertility, which we think the evidence points to, we should be able to do something about it," said Hagen, the Jamieson Chair of Healthspan Research in the Linus Pauling Institute.

"This might help prevent other critical health problems as well, at an early stage when nutritional therapies often work best," he added.

The results from early research have been equivocal, Hagen said, but that may be because they were too small or did not focus on antioxidants. Laboratory and in-vitro studies have been very promising, especially with some newer antioxidants such as lipoic acid that have received much less attention.

"The jury is still out on this," Hagen said.

"But the problem is huge, and the data from laboratory studies is very robust, it all fits. There is evidence this might work, and the potential benefits could be enormous," added Hagen.

If new approaches were developed successfully, the researchers said, they might help treat erectile dysfunction in men, egg implantation and endometriosis in women, and reduce the often serious and sometimes fatal condition of pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. The quality and health of semen and eggs might be improved.

The study has been published online in the journal Pharmacological Research. (ANI)



Google 翻譯

新華社華盛頓 7月29日(ANI):一項新的研究表明,抗氧化劑可以發揮關鍵作用,解決不育問題的婦女和男子,包括勃起功能障礙。
“如果氧化應激是導致不孕症的一個基本因素,我們認為證據表明,我們應該可以做一些事情吧,”哈根說,在賈米森講座 Healthspan研究的萊納斯波林研究所。






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